Introduction :
Name : Langgeng Tri Haryono
Place Date of Birth : Jakarta,2 October 2005
Address : HJ. Hanafi 09/02 Pondok Bambu, Duren Sawit. East Jakarta
Education : Graduated Vocational High School Pusaka 1 Jakarta.
Hobby : Listening Music
Reasons To Study Photography : I decided to major in Photography at Polimedia Creative State because I have a deep passion for capturing the world's moments, emotions, and stories through the lens of a camera, and I believe that Polimedia's renowned program will provide me with the knowledge, skills, and creative opportunities to transform my passion into a fulfilling career.
Expectation after graduating from Polimedia : my expectations are to enter the professional photography industry equipped with a strong foundation in both technical and creative aspects. I aspire to work as a freelance photographer or potentially join a photography studio, where I can continue to refine my skills, collaborate with diverse clients, and contribute to visual storytelling through my work. Ultimately, I aim to establish my own photography business and make a significant impact in the field by producing captivating and meaningful visual narratives.
Artikel :
Mata Kuliah : English for Photography Tingkat/Semester/Kelas : Semester 1
Test : Dr. Zalzulifa, M.Pd.
Open Sources Hari/Tanggal
Tahun Akademik :
: 25-29 Oct 2021
10.00 – 11 .30 WIB
Writer : Langgeng Tri Haryono
Editor : Muhammad Ary Faza
Project Title : Photography: The Art of Seizing Moments with a Click
Study Program : Photography
Deadline : Mid-Test
List of Activities in ESP for Photography Business
1. Short Article about Photography
2. Build 5W1H Questions
3. Verbal and Nominal Sentences
4. Tenses and It’s Pattern
5. Active and Passive Construction
6. List of Vocabulary
7. Translation into Indonesia
8. Reasons Why Writer Uses Tenses
A. 5W1H Questions
Instruction: Referring to the article you have, please build each two examples of your sentences Question and Answer based on 5W1H (Who, What, Where, Why, When, How).
WH Meaning Example
Who Person Who is your favorite idol in Photography Business?
What Things, Ideas, Information, Action What are you bringing in bag? (Thing)
What are you thinking about Photography Business? (Idea)
What kind of Photography Book do you wish to buy? (Info)
What are you doing with Photography Business? (Action)
Where Place Where is my book entitled Guide to Photo Book?
Why Reason Why did you bring that photo book?
When Time When is his son’s birthday?
Which Choice Which design style of academic book do you like more?
Whose Possession Whose book on the table?
How Manner How did you convince customer about photography business?
How do you choose a book cover?
How do you make an attractive book cover?
How many Quantity How many photography books does she have?
How much Quantity How many photo book do you need?
How often Frequency How often do you read books?
How far Distance How far is it from your house to the campus?
How old Age How old are you? How long Duration? How long will the test be?
“ Photography: The Art of Seizing Moments with a Click “
Photography is an art form that has revolutionized our perception and interaction with the world. Through the lens of a camera, we have the power to immortalize precious moments, capture the splendor of nature, and narrate stories that bring meaning to our lives. Yet, photography goes beyond the mere act of pressing a button; it serves as a mode of communication, introspection, and self-expression.
The origins of photography trace back to the 19th century, marked by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce's creation of the first permanent image using bitumen of Judea and a simple camera in 1826. Since then, the field has undergone continuous evolution, progressing from daguerreotypes to the era of modern digital photography. In the contemporary landscape, nearly everyone possesses a camera in their pocket, courtesy of technological breakthroughs in smartphones. Photography stands not only as an art form but also as a conduit for self-expression, journalism, and historical documentation, shaping our perception of the world.
Photography transcends technical prowess and equipment; it encompasses the ability to capture emotions and weave narratives. Each photograph serves as a miniature story, recounting the tale of cherished moments in our existence. It is an art that celebrates the beauty in the ordinary, fosters creativity, and fosters our connection with the surrounding world. There has never been a more opportune moment to explore the world through your camera lens and share your unique stories with a global audience.
Source: "History of Photography" by Encyclopaedia Britannica (
No WH Sentence Building (Question and Answer)
1 Who Who will read this article ?
Answer Photography enthusiasts and induviduals intersted in the history and art of photography
2 What What is discussed in this article?
Answer The article discusses the evolution and significance of photography as a visual medium
3 When Since when was photography developed?
Answer Photography has been evolving since the early 19th century to the present day.
4 Where Where can the practice photography?
Answer Photography is practiced globally, capturing moments and stories in various settings.
5 Why Why photography is important?
Answer The purpose of the article is to highlight the importance of photography as a means of communication, expression, and documentation in our lives
6 How How photogrpahy evolved?
Answer The article explains how photography has developed from early inventions like the daguerreotype to the modern digital technology available today.
7 How How we can capture the moments?
Answer With the aid of a camera, we can capture precious moments, the beauty of nature, and stories that illuminate our lives.
8 What What is photography just about capturing images?
Answer Photography is not only about technique and equipment but also about capturing emotions and stories
9 When When permanent images are created?
Answer Joseph Nicéphore Niépce creating the first permanent image using bitumen of Judea and a simple camera in 1826.
10 Why Why it's so easy to capture photos now?
Answer Because nowadays almost everyone has a camera on their smartphone.
B. Verbal and Nominal Sentences
Clues: Sentences that begin with a verb are classified as verbal sentences (V), while non-verbal sentences commence with a noun, pronoun, or derivative noun. Verbal sentences are composed of a verb followed by a subject and object or adverbial phrase. Both the subject and object can be nouns or pronouns. On the other hand, nominal sentences (N), also known as equational sentences, are characterized by the absence of a finite verb. Since nominal sentences lack a verbal predicate, they may include a nominal, adjectival, or, in Semitic languages, even an adverbial or prepositional predicate.
1. Verbal Sentences
No Sentences A/P
01 Photography is an art that has transformed the way we perceive and interact with the world around us. A
02 With the aid of a camera, we can capture precious moments, the beauty of nature, and stories that illuminate our lives. P
03 However, photography is more than just pressing a button; it is a means of communication, reflection, and self-expression. A
04 Photography first emerged in the 19th century, with Joseph Nicéphore Niépce creating the first permanent image using bitumen of Judea and a simple camera in 1826. P
05 Since then, photographic technology has continued to evolve, from daguerreotypes to modern digital photography. A
06 Today, almost everyone carries a camera in their pocket, thanks to technological advancements in smartphones. A
07 Photography is not just an art form but also a means of self-expression, journalism, and historical documentation that influences the way we see the world. A
08 Photography is not only about technique and equipment but also about capturing emotions and stories. A
09 Each photograph is a small narrative that tells the story of precious moments in our lives. It is an art of embracing the everyday beauty, expressing creativity, and connecting us with the world around us. A
10 So, now is a great time to explore the world through your camera lens and share your own stories with the world. A
2. Nominal Sentences
No Nominal Sentences
01 The Transformation of Perception through Photography
02 The Birth of Photography in the 19th Century
03 Joseph Nicéphore Niépce's Pioneering Image
04 Evolution of Photographic Technology
05 The Ubiquity of Cameras in Modern Life
06 Photography as a Form of Communication
07 Photography as a Tool for Self-Expression
08 The Role of Photography in Journalism
09 Photography's Impact on Historical Documentation
10 Capturing Emotions and Stories through Photography
C. Active and Passive Construction
Clues: An active sentence is one in which the subject carries out the action of the verb. For instance: "John kicked the ball." Here, "John" is the subject, and "John" is actively performing the action of the verb "kick." Thus, it qualifies as an active sentence. The counterpart to an active sentence is a passive sentence, where the action of the main verb is undergone by the subject. The passive voice is employed when the entity or individual executing an action is not the grammatical subject of the sentence. Instead, the receiver of the action is positioned before the verb. Passive sentences are constructed by utilizing the verb "to be" in conjunction with a past participle.
No Sentences Active Passive
01 Photography has transformed the way we perceive and interact with the world around us V
The way we perceive and interact with the world around us has been transformed by photography V
02 We can capture precious moments, the beauty of nature, and stories that illuminate our lives with the aid of a camera V
Precious moments, the beauty of nature, and stories that illuminate our lives can be caputred with the aid of a camera V
03 Photography is more than just pressing a button;it is a means of communication, reflection, and self expression. V
More than just pressing a button, photography is a means of communication, and self expression. V
04 Joseph Nicéphore Niépce created the first permanent image using bitumen of Judea and a simple camera in 1826, marking the emergence of photography in the 19th century. V
The first permanent image, created using bitumen of Judea and a simple camera in 1826 by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, marked the emergence of photography in the 19th century. V
05 Since then, photographic technology has continued to evolve, progressing from daguerreotypes to modern digital photography. V
The evolution of photographic technology has been ongoing since then, progressing from daguerreotypes to modern digital photography. V
06 Thanks to technological advancements in smartphones, almost everyone carries a camera in their pocket today. V
Technological advancements in smartphones have made it possible for almost everyone to carry a camera in their pocket today. V
07 Photography is not just an art form but also a means of self-expression, journalism, and historical documentation that influences the way we see the world. V
Not only is photography considered an art form, but it is also regarded as a means of self-expression, journalism, and historical documentation that can influence the way the world is perceived. V
08 Photography is not only about technique and equipment but also about capturing emotions and stories. V
Not only are technique and equipment involved in photography, but it also encompasses the capture of emotions and stories. V
09 Each photograph is a small narrative that tells the story of precious moments in our lives. V
The story of precious moments in our lives is told by each photograph, making it a small narrative. V
10 It is an art of embracing the everyday beauty, expressing creativity, and connecting us with the world around us. V
The everyday beauty is embraced, creativity is expressed, and a connection with the world around us is made by it, which is an art. V
D. List of Vocabulary
No Vocabulary Pronoun Spelling Meaning
01 Perceive Persiv Merasa
02 Aid Eid Bantu
03 Precious Presius Berharga
04 However Hawever Namun
05 Emerged Emerj Muncul
06 Bitumen Bitumin Aspal
07 Embracing Embrasing Merangkul
08 Own Oun Memiliki
09 Illuminate Iluminet Menerangi
10 Advancements Advencemens Kemajuan
E. Tenses and It’s Pattern
Please identify the tenses of ten sentences you take from the article. Learn the matrix clues below.
No Sentence Tenses
01 Photography is an art that has transformed the way we perceive and interact with the world around us. Present Perfect
02 With the aid of a camera, we can capture precious moments, the beauty of nature, and stories that illuminate our lives. Simple Present
03 Photography first emerged in the 19th century, with Joseph Nicéphore Niépce creating the first permanent image using bitumen of Judea and a simple camera in 1826. Past Simple
4 Since then, photographic technology has continued to evolve, from daguerreotypes to modern digital photography. Present Perfect
5 Today, almost everyone carries a camera in their pocket, thanks to technological advancements in smartphones. Present Simple
6 Photography is not just an art form but also a means of self-expression, journalism, and historical documentation that influences the way we see the world Present Simple
7 Photography is not only about technique and equipment but also about capturing emotions and stories Present Simple
8 Each photograph is a small narrative that tells the story of precious moments in our lives Present Simple
9 It is an art of embracing the everyday beauty, expressing creativity, and connecting us with the world around us Present Simple
10 So, now is a great time to explore the world through your camera lens and share your own stories with the world Present Simple
F. Translation into Indonesia
Please translate the article into Indonesia
Meaning Translation – penerjemahan bermakna
“Fotografi: Seni Menangkap Momen dengan Sekali Klik “
Fotografi merupakan bentuk seni yang telah merevolusi cara kita memahami dan berinteraksi dengan dunia. Melalui lensa kamera, kita memiliki kekuatan untuk mengabadikan momen-momen berharga, menangkap keindahan alam, dan bercerita tentang kisah yang memberikan makna pada hidup kita. Namun, fotografi tidak sekadar tentang menekan tombol; ia berfungsi sebagai mode komunikasi, introspeksi, dan ekspresi diri.
Asal-usul fotografi dapat ditelusuri kembali ke abad ke-19, yang ditandai dengan penciptaan Joseph Nicéphore Niépce atas gambar permanen pertama menggunakan bitumen dari Yudea dan kamera sederhana pada tahun 1826. Sejak itu, bidang ini terus mengalami evolusi, bergerak dari daguerreotype menuju era fotografi digital modern. Di zaman kontemporer, hampir semua orang memiliki kamera di saku mereka, berkat terobosan teknologi pada ponsel pintar. Fotografi tidak hanya sebagai bentuk seni, tetapi juga sebagai saluran untuk ekspresi diri, jurnalisme, dan dokumentasi sejarah, membentuk persepsi kita terhadap dunia.
Fotografi melampaui keahlian teknis dan peralatan; ia melibatkan kemampuan untuk menangkap emosi dan merajut narasi. Setiap foto berfungsi sebagai kisah kecil, menceritakan kisah momen-momen berharga dalam hidup kita. Ini adalah seni yang merayakan keindahan dalam hal-hal biasa, merangsang kreativitas, dan memperkuat hubungan kita dengan dunia sekitar. Saat ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk menjelajahi dunia melalui lensa kamera Anda dan berbagi kisah unik Anda dengan khalayak global.
Sumber: "Sejarah Fotografi" oleh Encyclopaedia Britannica (
F. Please sum-up the article by explaining the reason why author use the tenses.
To find out the basics or understanding of photography for people who are interested in photography or who want to understand photography
Script Writer : Langgeng Tri Haryono
Editor :
Objectives : Mahasiswa Fotografi
Duration : 5 Menit
Format Sajian : Bahan Ajar
Resources : Power Point By Dr. Zalzulifa, M.pd
Subject : Pengajaran Via Media Sosial
Competencies : Explaining Publicpreneur entrepreneurial approach Based Language
Learning ( PBLL )
Key Indicator : The viewers will understand the purpose of the discussion of
entrepreneurship education
Skill : Referring to the thematic context, at the end of video recording, the
Viewers will understanding in PBLL learing
Video Content : 1. Literature Review in PBLL
2. Research Steps in PBLL
3. Research Findings in PBLL
4. Closing
Synopsis / Description
The viewers will understand the Strong Potential of Entrepreneurship education
(Slide) Storyline
(Alur Cerita) Aset Visual
(Gambar) Narasi (Voice Over) dan Musik Ilustrasi Perkiraan Durasi
1. Opening Title Teks :
Publipreneur Based language Learning ( PBLL )
Music Instrument 5 second
Page Power Point
2. Introducing PBLL Teks:
Explaining the background of the internal and external policy Speaking Text :
Internal Policy :
- Production and Enterprenuership
External Policy :
- The Transformation of the World's Economic Foundation: Capturing (Agriculture-Industry-Information Knowledge) Through Photography
- 4 second
Gambar :
Text Power Point
3. Literature Review Teks (Instruction):
- Model Choices
- Model Review
- Model Design Speaking Text :
- Prewriting (Visualizing Concepts)
o Visualizing ideas and themes through photographic concepts.
o Planning compositions and visual narratives.
- Drafting (Capturing Moments)
o Translating visualized concepts into photographic content.
o Documenting and expressing ideas through images.
- Revising (Visual Storytelling)
o Reflecting on the initial photographic drafts.
o Refining visual narratives through spoken and written feedback.
- Editing (Visual Refinement)
o Identifying and correcting visual imperfections.
o Enhancing the quality and impact of photographic elements.
- Publishing (Sharing Visual Stories)
o Showcasing visual stories through various platforms.
o Presenting photographic work in written and spoken formats.
- Marketing (Visual Presentation)
o Communicating and promoting photographic products to target audiences.
o Utilizing both spoken and written methods for marketing.
- Delivering (Visual Communication)
o Conveying ideas and messages through spoken and written language.
o Presenting and discussing photographic work effectively.
- Self-Publisher (Visual Artistry)
o Taking control of the entire photographic creation process.
o Embracing self-publishing as a means of artistic expression.
- 10 second
4. Research Steph Teks:
Infographic Style
Speaking Text:
- How to Think, How to Create, How to Apply, How to Develop
13 second
Text Power Point
5. Research Finding Teks:
Based language learing (PBLL) LEARNING TARGET:
- Prewriting (Visual Conceptualization)
- Drafting (Image Capture)
- Revising (Storytelling through Imagery)
- Editing (Visual Enhancement)
- Publishing (Sharing Photographic Narratives)
- Marketing (Promoting Photographic Content)
- Delivering (Communicating through Visuals)
- Self-Publisher (Independent Visual Artistry)
- 15 second
Text power point
6 Closing
Conclusion, Implication, Recommendations
. - Prewriting (Visual Conceptualization)
- Drafting (Image Capture)
- Revising (Storytelling through Imagery)
- Editing (Visual Enhancement)
- Publishing (Sharing Photographic Narratives)
- Marketing (Promoting Photographic Content)
- Delivering (Communicating through Visuals)
- Self-Publisher (Independent Visual Artistry)
Mata Kuliah
ESP for Publishing
II/3/A, B, C
Dr. Zalzulifa, M.Pd.
Tahun Akademik
Rabu, 11-01-2023
10.00 – 11 .30 WIB
Bobot Kredit
Sifat Ujian
Open References
(ESP for Vocational Learners)
Student’s Identity
Name : Langgeng Tri
Study Program : Photography
Title : Empowering
Vocational Learners: Integrating Publipreneur Based Language Learning for Photography
Effective English Language Acquisition in Real-world Contexts.
your pragmatic experience in the use of PBLL as thematic
approach in teaching English for vocational learners of non-native speaker,
such as:
Briefly about your understanding on Publipreneur Based Language Learning
2. How
can PBLL Influence and improve your reading skill? Give example
How can
PBLL Influence and improve your writing skill? Give example
How can
PBLL Influence and improve your listening skill? Give example
How can
PBLL Influence and improve your speaking skill? Give example
PRE-WRITING (Think and plan the Project)
is the first stage of the, typically followed by drafting, revision, editing
and publishing. Elements of prewriting may include planning, research,
outlining, diagramming, storyboarding or clustering (for a technique similar
to clustering, see mindmapping). Prewriting usually begins with motivation
and audience awareness: what is the student or writer trying to communicate,
why is it important to communicate it well and who is the audience for this
communication. Writers usually begin with a clear idea of audience, content
and the importance of their communication; sometimes, one of these needs to
be clarified for the best student writers find motivation especially
difficult because they are writing for a teacher or for a grade, instead of a
real audience. Often lecturers
try to find a real audience for students by asking them to read to
younger classes or to parents, by posting writing for others to read, by
writing a blog, or by writing on real topics, such as a letter to the editor
of a local newspaper.
Experiential Learning:
What were the
two or three things you did very well with the prewriting?
- Clear Project Objectives:
- Clearly defined the objectives of
the project, outlining what the students or writers aimed to achieve.
- Established specific goals for the
project, ensuring a focused and purposeful prewriting phase.
- Audience Awareness and Motivation:
- Conducted thorough research to
understand the target audience for the communication.
- Emphasized the importance of
effective communication and motivation, addressing the challenge of
writing for a real audience rather than just for grades.
- Encouraged students to connect their
projects to real-world scenarios, enhancing motivation and relevance.
- Engaging Prewriting Techniques:
- Implemented diverse prewriting
techniques such as mindmapping, outlining, and storyboarding to
stimulate creative thinking and organization of ideas.
- Fostered a collaborative environment
where students could share and discuss their prewriting strategies,
promoting a variety of approaches.
DRAFTING (Get your ideas down on paper)
Drafting means getting your ideas down on paper. A rough draft is
a late stage in the writing process. It assumes that students have adequate
information and understanding, are near or at the end of gathering research,
and have completed an exercise in
Experiential Learning:
What were the two or three things you did very well with
the drafting your idea?
- Diverse Prewriting Approaches:
- The use of varied techniques such as
mindmapping, outlining, and storyboarding showcases a commitment to
stimulating creative thinking.
- Providing a range of prewriting
tools allows students to choose methods that best suit their individual
learning styles.
- Collaborative Learning Environment:
- Fostering a collaborative environment
for sharing and discussing prewriting strategies encourages a diversity
of approaches.
- This collaborative approach promotes
peer learning and allows students to benefit from each other's unique
perspectives and methods.
REVISING (Share and reflect on your first draft)
Revising means to share and to reflect on your first draft. This
will help writer review how effectively readers communicate the message.
Experiential Learning:
What were the two or three things
you did very well with the revising?
- Effective Sharing and Collaboration:
- Fostered an environment that
encouraged students or writers to share their first drafts with peers
for feedback.
- Established a collaborative space
where constructive critiques and insights were exchanged.
- Reflective Analysis:
- Encouraged writers to reflect on
their initial drafts, considering how effectively the intended message
was communicated.
- Provided guidance on
self-assessment, prompting writers to identify strengths and areas for
- Iterative Revision Process:
- Implemented an iterative approach to
revision, emphasizing that revising is an ongoing process rather than a
one-time activity.
- Demonstrated the importance of
multiple revisions for refining and enhancing the overall quality of
the written work.
EDITING (Find and correct any mistakes you have made)
is the process of selecting and preparing
medium used to convey information through the processes of correction,
condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media,
performed with an intention of producing a correct, consistent, accurate, and
complete output. The editing process
originates with the idea for the work itself and continues in the
relationship between the author and the editor. Editing is, therefore, also a
practice that includes creative skills, human relations, and a precise set of
Experiential Learning:
What were the two or three things
you did very well with the editing?
- Thorough Correction Process:
- Implemented a systematic and
thorough correction process, addressing grammar, spelling, and
punctuation errors.
- Ensured a meticulous review of the
entire written work to identify and correct any mistakes that could
affect clarity and accuracy.
- Consistent Style and Formatting:
- Maintained a consistent writing
style and formatting throughout the document.
- Paid attention to details such as
font, spacing, and overall document layout to present a polished and
professional appearance.
- Attention to Precision and
- Demonstrated a commitment to
precision by carefully reviewing each sentence for accuracy in conveying
the intended meaning.
- Ensured completeness by verifying
that all necessary information was included and that the document met
the intended objectives.
LAYOUTING (Share your idea
in written form)
basically means the arrangement of predetermined items such as image, text
and style on a page. It establishes the overall appearance and relationships
between the graphic elements to achieve a smooth flow of message and eye
movement for maximum effectiveness or impact. Layouting can also mean the
plan or design or arrangement of something laid out: such as dummy sense or
final arrangement of matter to be reproduced especially by printing.
Experiential Learning:
What were the two or three things
you did very well to layout your manuscript?
MARKETING (Get your idea in to market)
Marketing is
the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers.
Marketing might sometimes be interpreted as the art of selling products, but
selling is only a small fraction of marketing. As the term “marketing” may
replace “advertising” it is the overall-strategy and function of promoting a
product or service to the customer.
Experiential Learning:
What were the two or three things
you did very well to market your idea?
- Diverse Marketing Approach:
- Implemented a multichannel marketing
strategy, recognizing the importance of reaching audiences through
various platforms.
- Leveraged a combination of online
and offline channels for a holistic promotional approach.
- Effective Use of Social Media:
- Utilized social media platforms
strategically to connect with a broad audience.
- Engaged in interactive and shareable
content to maximize exposure and foster community engagement.
- Integration of Traditional
- Recognized the value of traditional
advertising methods alongside digital channels.
- Leveraged a mix of blogs, social
media, and traditional advertising to ensure a well-rounded and
impactful promotional campaign.
DELIVERING (Share your idea to publics).
Delivering is
a report issued by a or group of learners with seven main step of learning,
such as: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing, marketing,
delivering. Here the learners can deliver their learning portfolios in two
forms. First, online delivering of
e-product (proposal, business letter, dummy) by putting them into
students’ personal blog and link with lecturers’ including the video share.
The learning portfolios can be a book, leaflet, flier or brochure for
personal or individual work, while the magazine, tabloid, or newspaper for a
group work.
Experiential Learning:
What were the two or three things
you did very well to deliver your products?
- Strategic Online Delivery:
- Implemented a strategic online
delivery approach by utilizing students' personal blogs for sharing
e-products (proposals, business letters, dummies).
- Ensured seamless connectivity by
linking these online deliverables with lecturers, promoting efficient
communication and feedback loops.
- Diverse Portfolio Formats:
- Recognized the importance of
catering to individual learning styles by offering diverse portfolio
- Allowed for personal or individual
work to be presented through formats such as books, leaflets, fliers,
or brochures, while group work was presented in formats like magazines,
tabloids, or newspapers.
- Incorporation of Multimedia Elements:
- Enhanced the delivery by
incorporating multimedia elements, such as video shares, to provide a
more engaging and comprehensive presentation.
- Leveraged technology to enhance the
learning experience and make the delivery more dynamic and interactive.
Answer can also be inputted into google form by clicking the link in
Effective of PBLL as Thematic Approach In Teaching English for Vocational
Learners in Indonesia (Final-Test Survey)
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